The Adventure Continues...
Rumors of magic and murder hung over the tragedy at Tinker’s Grove which destroyed a town and killed some fine people. Aunt Emily thought sending Conor Archer to Ireland to see his godmother was the solution to keep him safe and out of harm’s way. Conor went, and immediately got himself in trouble with a local landowner, a Japanese war criminal, and a bunch of Otherworld things that wanted to destroy him. Not everyone was an enemy. There were the secretive Travelers—the Tinker folk with legends that tended to come true. Of course, the Roan were there, the People of the Sea, promising to watch over him. But there was something more—an ancient being camped out on the mysterious Skellig Islands, intent on protecting him and the land.
He remembered Aunt Emily slapping an envelope into his pocket saying, “Here’s your ticket; have a nice flight; stay safe.” Not a chance he thought. Ireland might be a spectacular place, but it was bound to be dangerous. Good thing he had his shapeshifting powers. But would his new found abilities be able to defeat the Dark who wanted him dead?
Praise for The Tales of Conor Archer:
"An amazing mix of urban and epic fantasy”
-- Jack Magnus, "Readers Favorite"
Barr excels at world-building and shines at characterization...
"...skillful use of poetic language gives the story a larger-than-life, legendary quality similar to Homeric epics lend[ing] a certain gravitas and suspense to the story”
-- Jill Allen, "Forward Reviews"